Dear authoresses and authors!
If you want to have your texts published in our REIBEISEN, you are asked to consider the following:
- Lyric poetry of maximum 10 works
- Prosa at most 3 works each text up to a maximum of 10 DIN A4 pages
- Translations of literary texts in each case in the national language including the German translation
- For procedural reasons we can only accept work stored on CD, formatted in a common MS Windows based text processing program or as an E – mail attachment sent to us:
- Line spacing (return) only at the end of a paragraph!
- The file margin on the left of the print out must be kept!
- Please send no handwritten texts in!
- Already published texts will not be accepted!
- Unpublished text excerpts are only considered if the can stand for themselves and are conclusive!
- Submitted manuscripts are not sent back!
All entries are judged by a jury therefore please proceed in the following way:
- Instead of the author’s name and address the manuscripts are to be provided with a password.
- Please put the personal data (name, address and as well a biography in short form and a photo) into an envelope provided with the password and send everything to:
Kulturmagazin „Reibeisen“
Mürzgasse 3
Time limit for submission for the next REIBEISEN-issue is June 30th. Submissions that reach us after that date can only be taken into consideration for the following issue.